Meet Our Team
Jose Corona
Mr. Corona has over 25 years’ construction Management experience on projects for various public agencies including Caltrans, SBCTA, RCTC, RCTD, and local cities, with a prominent focus on structural projects.
Maggie Zahlout
- President
Ms. Zahlout 12 years’ experience as a project manager includes overseeing the SYRUSA team on projects for local and statewide projects.
Gerardo “Jerry” De Santos
-VP Construction Services
Mr. DeSantos possesses 25 years of statewide service in construction, planning, design, local assistance, and maintenance. Specializing in problem solving on innovative and complex projects.
Faisal Zahlout,
-Senior Vice President
Mr. Zahlout has more than 30 years’ experience on Public Works projects for local and state agencies including Caltrans, SBCTA, OCPW, RCTC, RCTD, and various cities specializing in structures.